Who Is The Storyteller In Your Family?

In my family, my  mother’s sister is the best storyteller. I haven’t seen Aunt Marian, who lives in Washington, for fifteen years until this week when she came for a visit. We all settled in to hear her tell and retell stories about all of us and experiences from her life. She is 91 years […]

Wired for Story: Lisa Cron

In my writing class, one member, Julie Royce (author of PILZ), suggested I use Lisa Cron’s Wired for Story as a “text” book. I did and we studied Cron’s take on writing for a couple months. Today, I found her TED Talk which I’m sharing here. I like to hear authors’ real voices. Some highlights […]

A Story from Coming of Age Croneicles by Ann Winfred

My friend, Ann Winfred in Texas writes poignant stories. Here is one I reblogged from her site:  http://comingofagecroneicles.com/house-on-the-monte/ House on the Monte by Ann Winfred When my editor at the CACTUS SUN TIMES suggested I cover the demolition of the old Carson house, I jumped at the chance to escape the office. I called my […]

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