Albert Einstein Quote

        I posted this quote in my Facebook Group Create Loyal Fans for Your Brand. Click here. The group is for entrepreneurs, writers, and speakers. I have room for more members if you’d like to join. For those of you who are not in my FB Group, here is the quote: “Everything […]

William Faulkner Quote About Competing With Yourself

      Nobel laureate William Faulkner believed it was impossible for an author to write a perfect story. He admitted he never was satisfied with his work. It always could be better. In a 1956 interview with Faulkner in The Paris Review, he  said about being a novelist: “Ninety-nine percent talent … ninety-nine percent discipline … […]

Vision Quote By Alina Vincent

Alina Vincent at Business Success Edge says,   “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”     What is your vision?   Julaina Kleist-Corwin #1 Amazon Bestselling Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans Written Across the Genres  

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