Haiku from Andy for Today

Haiku Andy’s Haiku for August 24th: 6 parnassus bus at every pothole the old man winces   Read more from Andy or sign up for a Haiku a day at haikuandydotcom

Quotes about Poetry

“Poetry is the synthesis of Hyacinths and biscuits.”  Carl Sandburg “Poetry is fact given over to Imagery.” Rod McKuen “An ‘Image’ is that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time.” Ezra Pound “By far the most important thing to master is the use of the metaphor. This is the one […]

Iambic Group Poem Needs a Title

Here is the Iambic Group Poem, Glen Meisenheimer guided us to produce at the Poetry Workshop last week. There were 12 participants, but we forgot to title it. Any suggestions? The time she waits on none who tarry long Instead she dances t’wards her scheduled end. Ignoring worries; seeking pleasure’s song, She hopes to make […]

Poetry Community on Line

Glen Meisenheimer told poetry workshop participants about https://www.allpoetry.com It’s free to join and you can receive feedback on your poems. Look for Glen’s poems. He read some of his funny limericks and his poem about a young student in Viet Nam that he helped receive an education. I joined the site, submitted a poem and […]

Poetry Workshop

I attended a poetry workshop this morning with Julie K. Royce, author of PILZ, Paula Chinick, author of RED ASSCHER, and Carol McLean, poet and essayist.  Glen Meisenheimer demonstrated how to write a poem in anapest and iambic meters. As a group, there were twelve of us, we wrote a joint poem for each and […]

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