Senryu, Similar to Haiku

The Shadow Poetry link explains the differences between Haiku and Senryu.  Kathy Lippard Cobb wrote the information and included samples of each. She states that senryu deals with human nature, satire, humor, and political issues. Debates about what is or is not senryu is confusing. When poets submit a poem that could be haiku […]

Haiku Samples

Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry. It is comprised of 3 phrases. Traditional haiku form is a total of 17 syllables with the first line having 5 syllables, the second line has 7 syllables, and the last line has 5. The one on the far left by Earle J. Stone follows the traditional pattern. […]

Winners in the Poetry Contest About Choices

The winners of my poetry contest about choices have been announced by my poet friends who agreed to be judges. Poems by the three award winners and the honorable mention poets will be published in my next anthology with the theme choices. The anthology will be published in late summer of  2015. Hear the drum […]

Winners in Choices Poetry Contest

Winners of the Choices Poetry Contest on this blog will be announced in September. Due to vacations this summer, it was difficult for the judges to meet for a consensus. Many quality entries spread the nominated winners by each judge to well over the three place awards. We plan to have honorable mentions included this […]

Poetry Contest Entries Due Date Extended

I’ve extended the date for entries to the Poetry Contest about Choices. See the Menu Bar above for requirements and post your poem in the reply after the last entry.  The new date is June 1st.

New Poetry Contest Page Look at the Menu Above

Check the menu above for the new poetry contest page. The poem should include a theme about CHOICES,  maximum 20 lines, due April 30th. Winners will be published in my new CHOICES anthology  due to be published by the end of 2014. Press reply on the contest page (not here) to enter your poem. Notice, […]

Poet Laureate 2013-15 Sandra Harrison Kay

Pleasanton Poet Laureate Sandra Harrison Kay came to our open mic night for the first time. She  read her excellent poem  about a woman who said a man she knew recently passed away in his 80’s and that he was such a nice person. The ending resonated with me on many levels. She also read […]

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