Stephen Dobyn’s Poetry

I read a poem by Stephen Dobyns, I’m not sure where, but I knew I wanted to more about his process so I purchased next word, better word  the craft of writing poetry. At random, I opened the book to page 92 and liked what Dobyns says, “The poet keeps our interest by using a […]

Mary Mackey Poet and Novelist

The Women’s National Book Association had our board meeting on Sunday at poet and novelist Mary Mackey’s home. Wikipedia has this to say about Mackey: Mary Mackey is an American novelist, poet, and academic. She is the author of seven collections of poetry and thirteen novels, including the New York Times best-seller A Grand Passion […]

Stephen Dobyn’s Poetry

Jessica Barksdale shared Stephen Dobyn’s poems with us, particularly “How you Like it.” The link below has three of his poems that were printed in The Cortland Review Issue 26. I agree with her the dog in “How you Like It” is memorable. The Encyclopedia Britannica describes Dobyn as “American poet and novelist whose works […]

Community — A Poem on Coming of Age Croneicles

Re-blogged from: Community – A Poem Community – A Poem by Ann Winfred from Coming of Age Croneicles             In bygone days, Neighborhood folks gathered on porches Touched the world and each other Nodding, smiling, calling out. Sprinklers caught sunlight in rainbows. – In bygone days, Inner-city folks gathered on […]

Ann Winfred’s Coming of Age Croneicles

Ann Winfred,  Coming of Age Croneicles, posted this essay on her blog about Jenny Joseph’s poem “Warning”: When I Am An Old Woman . . . WHEN I AM AN OLD WOMAN… The teacher of my senior chair yoga class mentioned the other day that she finds herself inexplicably attracted to wearing purple after sixty […]

Poetry and Poets Quotes

“If you cannot be a poet, be the poem.” David Carradine “Painting is poetry which is seen and not heard & Poetry is a painting which is heard but not seen.” Leonardo Da Vinci “Poetry is the art which is technically within the grasp of everyone: a piece of paper and a pencil and one […]

Basho Haiku

Matsuo Munefusa (Basho), 1644 — 1694, became well known in the intellectual Edo part of  Japan, which is now modern Tokyo. He had a future in the military since he was born into a samurai family, but he preferred to live in poverty as a wanderer. At times he’d return to a hut made of […]

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