Experiment with Novel Revision

Jack Heffron in The Writer’s Idea Book, suggests a way to revise by cutting out five details in a chapter or short story. Details could be objects, colors, dialogue, etc. Then add five different details. How has it changed?  Are the new details, the right ones? How do details shape a story? Thomas Wolfe debated […]

Novel Revision on My Mind

Outside at a friend’s party in Pleasanton to see tonight’s sunset. On the patio after the stunning view. I’m thinking of the changes I need to make on one page in my novel before tomorrow morning. It’s the last day of Jessica Barksdale’s writing retreat. Each participant will read a revision of a page that […]

Novel Revisions

I’m preparing for a garage sale scheduled in two days and I’m revising 10,000 words of my novel due for a contest on the same day. Actually, taking breaks from boxes of stuff to files on the computer made multitasking a good thing. One more day to get it all done.

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