The Judge Movie

The Judge is on its way out of the movie theaters but it’s worth a comment or two. Robert Downey, Jr., as usual, is a study for facial expressions. In each scene, he goes through several emotions, anger, determination, frustration, surprise, and more. If the sound track was turned off, the viewer could figure out […]

Ransom Stephens The God Patent

A movie producer talked with Ransom Stephens on the phone for an hour and a half about THE GOD PATENT, Ransom’s book that was published before THE SENSORY DECEPTION. The producer loved THE GOD PATENT and did most of the talking…fast. Ransom says he doesn’t know what it means yet. I’m hoping both books will […]

Movie Recommendation for Writers

I watched the movie “Stuck in Love” last night and enjoyed it especially because several characters are writers. The title doesn’t do the movie justice and neither does Netflix’s summary. It’s not just about writing. Check it out.

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