Flash Short Story Contest Next

As soon as the poetry contest Honorable Mentions are announced, I will move the poems about children to the Archive page and announce the new contest. Since it has a due date of October 15th, I want to give your muse time to formulate an entry. I need a submission for my anthology, tentatively called […]

Poetry Contest Judges

The judges are reading your poems now and should have a winner picked by this time next week. I don’t envy them with all the great entries. I told them a tie would be okay with me. Those of you who want to read the poems, go to my New Contest page at the top […]

Countdown to Poetry Contest Due Midnight Today

Poetry contest entries due midnight Sunday, today PST. Four stanzas, four lines each about children. No poem writing experience needed. Go to New Contest page, scroll down to LEAVE A REPLY to enter. If you’re new to my blog, I will need to approve it, so your poem might not appear on the site until […]

Contest Due Date Four Days Away

Countdown continues:  Four more days until September 15th, the due date for my poem contest. Go to the page titled New Contest on my menu bar. I’m requesting  four stanzas of four lines each about children. Check out the entries there, scroll down, and cut and paste your entry into the LEAVE A REPLY box.  […]

Poetry Contest Countdown

Five more days until September 15th, the due date for my poem contest. Check out the page titled New Contest on my menu bar. I’m requesting  four stanzas of four lines each about children. Check out the entries there, scroll down, and cut and paste your entry into the LEAVE A REPLY box.  No poetry […]

Poetry Contest Reminder

Remember, by September 15th, poems for my poetry contest are due. Several people said they would enter but so far, no one has. It doesn’t have to rhyme, but the theme is children. See my Contest Page at the top menu for submission details. No poetry experience needed. Judges will be poet friends of mine […]

Writer’s Digest is Great! (Why I didn’t win 5th place)

  I woke up this morning, still thrilled that I had won 5th place in the Mainstream/Literary Category of Writer’s Digest 82nd Annual Competition for my short story. But a memory that they had rules about simultaneous submissions sent me to their website.  I checked and emailed the staff to tell them that the story […]

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