Winners of the Western Flash Contest

We did it! After the two judges of the Western Flash Contest had opposing winners chosen, I took the four submissions to the members of my writing classes to participate in the judging process. The first place winner is Jeremy Milburn for “The East Coast Dandy”. Congratulations, Jeremy. Please email me so we can get […]

Western Short Story Contest Decisions Delayed

Four entries to my Western short story contest have the two judges at opposite ends of  choosing a winner. I asked them to categorize the flash stories from one to four and they each had a totally different list. I’m looking for another judge to break the unusual results.

Western Flash Contest Due in Twelve Days

Please see my New Flash Western Short Story Contest by clicking on the top of the menu bar. Due date is October 25th. Winning story will be published in my anthology due to be published by the end of January.

Western Flash Contest Update

We have two entries to the Western Flash Contest, due October 25th. Check out the New Contest page on the top menu bar of this blog for guidelines.

New Flash Western Short Story contest due October 25, 2013

The new Flash Western Short Story Contest guidelines are posted.  See the page on the top menu bar. The due date is October 25th since the winning entry will be published in my anthology, A CLASS OF MUSES. The book is going to press the end of this month.  Please check out Wikipedia’s explanation of […]

Poem Entries in A Class of Muses Anthology

All entries to my Poems about Children Contest have the option of being published in my anthology,  A CLASS OF MUSES. I will need written permission from each of you who decide to be in it. I will be sending the anthology to press the end of October and it will be available to purchase […]

Contest Honorable Mentions

All the votes are in for the poem about children contest. I will be moving the poems to the Contest Archive page today if you want to read the entries. The first place winners are Lani Longshore, author of DEATH BY CHENILLE, for her poem “Armistice” and Julie K. Royce, author of PILZ, for her […]

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