Would you like a better relationship?

  Hi Everyone, How would it feel to resolve conflict in your relationship with ease and joy? Is your relationship what you’ve always desired? Or are you at a bit of a crossroads? My friend, Linda Kroll – author of the award-winning book Compassionate Mediation®: How to Add Passion to Your Marriage or Compassion to […]

Get-It-Done Mastermind Group by Tamara Monosoff

Tamara Monosoff’s new mastermind starts in three days!  One opening left. She won’t be offering it again for a while. Here is her invitation. The Get-it-Done Mastermind Group starts this Wednesday, April 19th. I can’t wait! There is still ONE SPOT LEFT. The first person to sign up, gets the spot. If you are one […]

Tamara Monosoff’s Author-to-Income Self Paced Training Course

I have been taking Tamara Monosoff’s trainings for several months. Her enthusiasm inspires me to accomplish my goals and her service to everyone’s success is admirable.  The information in her on-line courses is more beneficial than I could imagine: previously unheard of opportunities, easy step-by-step processes, in-depth strategies, and more. Take a look at the […]

Karen Cioffi Teaches Power Blogging

I just finished a four week on-line class with Karen Cioffi. She offers a tremendous amount of information and is available one-on-one support for any questions about blogging and the class assignments. I benefited from learning new terminology and new ways to use WordPress as well as how to improve my posts for SEO (search […]

Writer’s Digest Boot Camp

Writer’s Digest University’s “How to Find and Keep a Literary Agent Boot Camp” is half-way finished for this week. I’ve learned a lot about query letters. We’ve viewed two videos, had two days of two hour discussions, and tomorrow we submit our query letter, first five pages, and synopsis for our agent’s critique. I choose […]

Writer’s Digest University

For the first time, I’m taking a class with Writer’s Digest University. “How to Find and Keep a Literary Agent Boot Camp.” It includes a tutorial presented by agents at the Dijkstra Literary Agency explaining the process of submitting to an agent. For two days, two hours each day, there will be Q and A […]

British Revolutions: Kings, Queens, and Knaves

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Berkeley, California, offers a great course on “British Revolutions: Kings, Queens, and Knaves” taught by Bruce Elliott. The link below shows a video of Elliott speaking about the class that’s held on Tuesdays from January 27th to March 3rd. In this session, he will be covering the periods from Renaissance […]

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