Lilli Asks J.K. Royce an Addiction Question

Lilli has an addiction question for J.K. Royce whose novel PILZ was free on Kindle this Labor Day weekend. Go to Lilli’s Talk and Thoughts page listed on the top menu of this blog if you want to know what Lilli’s worried about.

Thought about Addictions

Lilli and J.K.Royce, author of PILZ, discuss addictions on the page at the top of the blog menu called “Lilli’s Talk and Thoughts”.

Characters Demand Attention

Haikuandydotcom sends a daily Haiku if you sign up for it. Today’s makes a good writing prompt. chinese restaurant the future manager refills our water Makes me wonder about the future manager. Does he/she know about the future promotion? How long will it take? What is the character like, kind or ruthless? Is there an […]

How to Make the Character’s Present Mysterious

Karl Iglesias in his book, WRITING EMOTIONAL IMPACT, describes how to create reader curiosity in the present. He suggests showing the character’s unusual behavior and reactions, such as overreacting or avoiding a subject. The aim is to have the reader wonder why and to wonder what he/she is hiding. Another idea is to have other […]

Writing Emotional Mystery

Karl Iglesias in his WRITING FOR EMOTIONAL IMPACT presents mystery in the emotional sense, not as a genre. Mystery connects the reader with the character. Mystery elicits the reader’s curiosity and anticipation. Iglesias explains writing mystery about the character’s past, present, and future. He differentiates the mysterious past from backstory by “how much is actually […]

A Character’s Life

In MAKE YOUR WORDS WORK, Gary Provost suggests writers show that the  main character has lived a life before the present time.  We have to avoid blocks of information by using backstory sprinkles, but how do we show that our characters go to movies, admire a high school teacher, or have  friends in Antarctica? Those […]

Switching Genres

Most of my assignments in the writing class I teach are optional. The last couple weeks, I’ve had non-optional assignments which involve creating a new POV character in a different genre. I’m impressed with their successes so far. I had to push myself to leave women’s fiction and YA to enter the realm of paranormal […]

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