Lillian Hellman Quote for Writers

Lillian Hellman says “Story is what the characters want to do. Plot is what the writer wants the characters to do.” The character in my new novel, Norman in the Painting, who appeared wearing a Homberg hat, is keeping his intentions a mystery. I wanted him to be hired by the antagonist, but he refuses […]

The New Character Wears a Homberg Hat

While writing Chapter Seven in my novel, Norman in the Painting, a new character arrived wearing a business suit and a Homberg Hat. He’s  a stranger to the small town, and Jill mistrusts him. Maybe she should but maybe he’s a guide to the interdimensions Norman travels. It’s too soon to tell for sure.

What We Learn From Writing Our Novels

Julianna Baggott said, “…each novel teaches me how to write it.” I agree with her. I have three novels in my computer files. From the first one, I learned the characters limited my reading audience and how to write emotions into scenes. The second one, I learned to love rewriting and polishing it that I […]

Character Becomes Alive

About ten years ago, I wrote a short story about a character that loved ambrosia. I titled the story “Ambrosia”. Yesterday, I saw, in real life, the character who was a real person, eating ambrosia. Her physical appearance and movements as she ate it were identical to my character.  The plot didn’t manifest, not yet […]

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