Antagonist Based On Real Person Causes Problem

Is your antagonist based on a real person?  The one in my WIP is someone I know but I don’t see very often. It’s been years since we’ve had to be in the same place at the same time for a few days. The problem is that he’s changed. He’s older, nicer, and more responsible. […]

Add a Baby in Your Story As a Metaphor

Have you observed a baby lately? Tonight I spent the evening with relatives from New Jersey including a three-month-old and a newborn.  The differences in their abilities made me appreciate the amazing growth process. I plan to write a YA novel with a baby in it. My observations of the two babies this evening gave […]

Roles of Minor Characters in Fiction

Minor characters in fiction are supposed to complement the major characters and move the plot forward. A simple definition, but Orson Scott Card wrote an article for Writers Digest that explains other ways to use minor characters. Card describes the unimportant minor characters he calls  “walk-ons” or placeholders. They are not important to the story […]

Story Prompts About Characters Meeting

The romance genre isn’t the only one to have two people miles apart who come closer and meet. If you aren’t a romance writer, think of a story line that brings two characters together. In a  mystery or thriller, one could be a criminal and the other a law enforcer who knows about the criminal […]

Writing Scenes with Gifts

How does your protagonist respond to gifts? If your book is a romance, you probably have a scene where the female protagonist receives a gift. How do you show her surprise, her shyness, her faking that she likes it, or her joy because it’s perfect? In a mystery or a thriller, does the criminal give […]

Meet Your Happy Chemicals by Loretta Graziano Breuning, PhD

I ordered this book, Meet Your Happy Chemicals by Loretta Graziano Breuning, PhD. The following is a summary of what the back book cover states about four brain chemicals. I thought learning about the chemicals would be useful in showing how our POV character or the antagonist could be deficient in one or more of […]

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