Grace Paley, a “combative pacifist and a cooperative anarchist”

    In an interesting article written by Leora Skolkin-Smith, she states: “Grace Paley was a known pacifist and, also, a famous short story-writer. She enjoyed being referred to as a “combative pacifist and a cooperative anarchist”. “Grace Paley was not extreme in either her pacifism or her sense of government as reliably unreliable in […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter 25 Is Posted Today

        Hada’s Fog Chapter 25 is posted today.       Hada’s love deepens and her loyalty shifts away from Samuel to someone else. The fog in her perception clears. Will it last or will doubt make her take a step backwards?

The People We Met in Las Vegas Were Friendly and Helpful

As a writer, the people I met in Las Vegas impressed me with their friendliness. I’ll remember them and might use some of their characteristics in my writing.  At The Fashion Show Mall close to our hotel, I met three young women at a kiosk who became instant friends. Kate from the Philippines, Helen and […]

Visiting Las Vegas in 115 Degree Heat

Vacation time for me meant I’d accompany my husband to Las Vegas where he’d attend a conference and I could read, write, walk, and be spontaneous. Our plans materialized except we didn’t anticipate over 100 degree heat each of the five days we were there. Fortunately, the heat is dry and tolerable. I’m amazed to […]

Hada’s Chapter Seventeen Part 2 Is Posted

Hada’s Fog Chapter Seventeen Part 2 is Posted.  See Menu above.   In this chapter, Hada and Samuel have dinner. Hada, as usual, adored Samuel until he started complaining about Abe. “Hada listened, but couldn’t shake the tattling tone from years ago. She was too tired of it to bother with a response.”   Whether […]

What Does Your Fiction Character Throw Away?

Many writers like to create character dossiers and explore several ways to write them. I don’t use profiles in any form, but I understand how they can be helpful. One of the questions I’ve found to be interesting is what does the female character put into her purse? Since my purse becomes heavier as I […]

How Do You Prepare For Taxes?

  The meeting with our tax accountant is tomorrow. I sorted, listed, and double checked the year’s receipts and check amounts in one torturous yesterday. I have a decorative bag in which I put each possible deduction receipt and note until the next year’s tax time. Other people I know prepare every month by using […]

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