California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch Meeting

I was able to take off a few hours from work this afternoon to attend the California Writers Club, Tri-Valley Branch Meeting. Lani Longshore led a hands-on mini workshop called “Someone, Something, Somewhere: Short Stories Made Simple.” We wrote for fiveĀ  minutes with each of her prompts that involved, character, thing, place, inciting incident, story […]

California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch Members’ Books in Library

California Writers Club Tri-Valley Branch members’ books are displayed this month at the Pleasanton Library. My anthology, Written Across the Genres, is on the top shelf to the left. I’m working on having a copy for check out in as many libraries as possible but it is a long process. So far, Written Across the […]

Critique Partners Chat

Tri-Valley Writers Club members, Jordan Bernal, author of THE KEEPERS OF EIRE and Lani Longshore, author of DEATH BY CHENILLE, chat after the April meeting. The critique partners worked with each other’s characters that involved dragons, criminals, and the new genre, Quilting Sci-Fi.

Social Media Workshop

Sheila Bali, author of SHATTERED TEARS FROM MY HOMELAND, and Paula Chinick, author of RED ASSCHER, plan a social media workshop for California Writers Club Tri-Valley Chapter members.

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