Quote From Wayne Burgraff VS. Mark Twain Quote

At 2:35 today, I sent the manuscript for my new book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans to the press. Here is a quote that I deleted as I went over the final draft. I had several quotes and this one was the easiest to delete. Important quote but it’s not quite to my point. […]

Self-Published Books At Bookstores

Good news for self-publishing. Click here .  I plan to take Written Across the Genres to B&N and see if they will put it on a shelf.     Rakestraw Books in Danville, California will take self-published books on consignment. http://www.rakestrawbooks.com/         Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of […]

Women’s National Book Association Inc.

National Reading Group Month – 2015 By Kate Farrell An Atmospheric Afternoon: Five authors of must-read novels! Saturday October 10, 2015 2:00 – 4:00 pm Books, Inc., Opera Plaza 601 Van Ness Ave., SF 94107 FREE and Open to the Public Come meet our authors as they discuss their captivating novels over wine and snacks […]

Nominate Your Favorite Bookstore

Nominate Your Favorite Bookstore for a Pannell Award Due date Extended to February 14, 2015 Every year two bookstores that excel in connecting children with books are selected by a panel of publishing professionals–one award is given to a general bookstore and one a children’s specialty bookstore. Anyone can nominate a store. Simply email: pannellaward@gmail.com, […]

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