Book, Book, and Blog Updates

I’ve been busy preparing  my new book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans, for publication, which didn’t leave much time for posting. The cover is done, thanks to Michelle Rene Goodhew at I worked on a short glossary of terms today and added a new essay by P. C. Chinick, author of the Red […]

Captivate Audiences To Create Loyal Fans

Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans is a new book I’ve compiled and will publish in a couple of weeks. One of the essays written by Eloise Hamann is about this photo of Former President Obama and his daughters around November 2012 when Sasha was 10 years old and Malia, 14 .   To find […]

Multiple Projects Can Get Out Of Hand

I’m a Type A personality, always busy, never bored.  A writing friend calls me Nutzoid when I take on another project. She’s right.  A cliche says “proof is in the pudding”, for me “proof is in the projects on my plate right now”  (yes, another cliche and one in the title).  Sometimes it’s fun to […]

The Best American Short Stories by T.C. Boyle 2015 Review

Our reading group met yesterday to discuss The Best American Short Stories 2015 by T.C. Boyle. We had read the 2014 edition last year. Five members, including me, participated.  Two of us liked the 2014 collection better than the 2015. I was one of the two. Two members liked the 2015 book better. One person […]

Sign Up Isn’t Ready But Hada’s Fog First Installment is Posted

Welcome to my remodeled website/blog which is still under construction. We ran into a minor glitch with the sign up.  My webmaster, Paula, left for business travel and as soon as she returns, she will fix it.  As it is now, you sign up but it doesn’t register and you don’t receive the Time to […]

Flash Fiction Book, UP, DO

Patricia Flaherty Pagan edited Up, Do, an anthology of thirty-three flash stories by award-winning and emerging writers. The four categories are “Our Hearts”, “Our Bodies”, “Our possible Futures”, and “Our Dreams; Our nightmares.” In the Introduction, Pagan writes: “I subscribe to the theory that flash fiction is like a geode of a larger narrative. Slicing […]

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