Graduation from St. Mary’s High School

Today was Ariana’s graduation. The yellow rope is her award for Summa Cum Laude, which means the highest praise for achieving a cumulative grade point average of 3.75 and above. The red rope which is hard to see on a red gown is for Senior Project Recognition. Mitchell, her father is on her right and […]

Las Positas College Anthology Called Impressions

George Cramer, Editor in Chief and Production Manager, with me holding Las Positas College’s 2015 Anthology called, Impressions and my Honorable Mention award. George’s story, “War Comes to Rakuen” was published in the anthology also. After my creative writing class on Monday, we took a group photo of the writers whose stories are published in […]

Las Positas College Anthology Book Launch

Las Positas College’s Anthology judges awarded Patrick Coyle first place award for his essay, “Time of Your Life.” Elena K. Manzo’s photo of her daughter holding a butterfly called “Joy Through Child’s Eyes” is printed in the anthology. Tanda Clauson’s photo of her son’s boots called “Waiting for Spring Rain” is also in the anthology. […]

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