Last Wednesday Visual Story Prompt In November By Mundus Media Inc.

Ready for a magical visual story prompt from Mundus Media Inc? Click here for more prompt info and to learn about Michelle’s offers for book covers, logo design, branding, book marketing ads, etc.                   Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of Hada’s Fog (soon […]

Dance Humor To Cheer This Serious Election Day

          I turned in my absentee ballot last week but I haven’t listened to any media to see who is winning the presidential election yet. It’s 3:30 p.m. and I don’t want to hear any more verbal slugging.  I’ll know tomorrow who won. This morning I had a Zoom consultation with […]

Five-Year Old Girl With Autism Paints Masterpieces

                Five-year-old girl with autism paints stunning masterpieces. See the cat in the painting? for more, click here. If you are on Stumble Upon, please share your link with me via PM on Facebook.   Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of Hada’s Fog

Lauren Pomerantz Sings Ho’oponopono And On PBS

My friend Lauren Pomerantz wrote the music for Ho’oponopono. Her PBS TV show “Lauren’s Mystical Musical Travelogue” is now on the internet, here is the link: The song “Take Me In, where I begin” is one of my favorites of hers. Enjoy.     Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of […]

Easy Art Project For Summer Fun

School is almost over for the summer. Here is an easy art project for children or adults. Check out my other blog for a meditative art video. Click here.

Where Is This Artful Waterfall?

Google+ is often the last on my social media check-out-what’s-happening list. Today I found a treasure on Mediha Halce’s post. Click here for the URL Have a soothing weekend.             Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of Hada’s Fog

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