Blade Runner 2049

  Happy Sunday Everyone, In an hour we are going to see Blade Runner 2049 in 3D. The original Blade Runner is on my top 5 favorite movies list. I hope this new one won’t disappoint. Have you seen it yet?       Julaina Kleist-Corwin Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans Written Across the […]

Book Recommendation Ardent Spirit by J. K. Royce

Julie Royce gave a copy of her book, Ardent Spirit, to a mutual friend. About a month later, I gave the same friend a copy of my book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans. The friend is on staff where I teach my writing classes. She was happy Julie and I shared our books with […]

Would you like a better relationship?

  Hi Everyone, How would it feel to resolve conflict in your relationship with ease and joy? Is your relationship what you’ve always desired? Or are you at a bit of a crossroads? My friend, Linda Kroll – author of the award-winning book Compassionate Mediation®: How to Add Passion to Your Marriage or Compassion to […]

What Are You Reading?

  I plan Sunday mornings for hours of reading. Then about noon, we go to the farmers’ market to shop organic and Starbucks to read some more.   Today, I balanced my time between When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi and Marilyn Steele’s The Wild Feminine.       A member of our reading  […]

How To Make Building Your Own Website Fun

Registration is now open for the Website Creation Workshop Fall 2017 Program with Christina Hills. Christina is a master at teaching entrepreneurs like yourself how to build a website with WordPress. Don’t believe me? Go here to see her own beautiful website and get all the details about her program… On that page you’ll see […]

Video Marketing Rules–How to Win in a World Gone Video

Lou Bortone has a new book available called Video Marketing Rules — How to Win in a World Gone Video. Click here. Amazon’s description of the book states, “Video has become the way we share, the way we communicate, the way we connect, and the way we buy and sell. Video has also become the […]

Hassle free website? Yes, it’s possible!

Do you like to save time? How about money? (Yes, me too!) My good friend, Christina Hills has just released a very cool download that will help you save both time and money when it comes to building your website or improving the one you already have. > Free download saves you time and money […]

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