5 Surprising Ways To Make Money With Your Book

If you’ve written a book… or you’re in the process of writing one… or you’re planning to write one this year, stop whatever you’re doing and sign up for this live webinar right now. “Authors: 5 Surprising Ways to Radically Boost Your Income with Your Book!” Click here. This free, 60-minute live webinar by my […]

Celebration With Tea

Have you been to a tea house? My friend, Linda, suggested four of us celebrate our birthdays at a tea house in Pleasanton. My birthday was New Years Day, Marilyn’s was a couple days later, Haihong’s and Linda’s were in November and December. We had had my writing class meeting at an office a few […]

Energize Your Business With Feng Shui 5-Day Challenge In January

This quote applies to our business space as well. Whether we work at home or in an office, renewing the environment with simple activations complement our purpose. In mid-January, I will be doing a five-day challenge about Feng Shui in Business. Intentions, goals, visions, dreams, ambition, are what we think about in the beginning of […]

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