Happy New Year

                      We are going to see the San Francisco fireworks at midnight. No fog, I hope.   Wishing you all the best year yet. Enjoy the LIGHT.             Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres

Writers' Prompt from Jack Heffron

The Writer’s Idea Book by Jack Heffron includes more than 800 prompts. I randomly opened the book to “Chapter Fourteen: Your Fifteen Minutes.” Each chapter begins with a famous writer’s quote. Chateaubriand was assigned this chapter with: “Let us not be too scornful of fame: nothing is lovelier, unless it be virtue.” Heffron was a […]

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's USS Potomac

Tonight I went for a three and a half hour cruise on the USS Potomac with my husband and members of his kayak club. The Potomac was built in 1934 as a U.S. Coast Guard Cutter called Electra. “She was converted to serve as a presidential yacht and commissioned into the United States Navy in […]

Thomas Oppong's Book A SMART NEW MIND

Thomas Oppong’s book, A Smarter New Mind: What You Can Do Every Day to Get Smarter, sounds  interesting. On his website http://alltopstartups.com/2015/05/12/a-smart-new-mind/ you can read  an excerpt from his book that summarizes 8  things you can do every day to get smarter. My favorite is “Reflect on your learning by blogging.” A couple others are, […]

J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan

My favorite scene in Disney’s Peter Pan, the animated classic created in 1953.  J.M. Barrie, author and playwright, born on May 9, 1860 in Scotland, is best known for writing Peter Pan in 1904. Barrie wrote his first novel, Better Dead, in 1887, and then several novels set in Scotland.  In 1890, he began to […]

Happy Mother's' Day

Whether you have children, nieces, nephews, dogs, cats, birds, fish, or tarantula,  you are a special super power woman. Enjoy your day.

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