GDPR Compliance by May 25th

The General Data Protection Regulation that will be due by May 25th is about collecting data from people in Europe that includes their email. Entrepreneurs need to make changes in their business. Noncompliance results in huge fines. Click here for Amy Porterfield’s conversation with Bobby Klinck to learn about it.

[FREE TRAINING] Easy to follow process to create your website

This topic probably doesn’t feel urgent or important to you most of the time, but that’s exactly why I need to be the one to bring this up…because no one is really talking about it. And yet, this “thing” has the power to boost your credibility, build your following, convince ideal clients to hire you […]

Free Checklist – The Essential Pages of a Successful Website

This may or may not apply to you so let me ask you just 2 questions. Do you have a website for your business that you absolutely love and that consistently brings new subscribers to your list and inquiries from potential clients who want to work with you? If you have a website, are you […]

7 Writing Tips Are on Video Each Day

The 7-Day Blog Post Challenge with short videos (3-4 minutes) is on Day #6, but all the daily ideas are in the archives on the right side-bar of my website click here. Tonight’s post will be a tip on philosophical disagreement, scene, and dialogue featuring Anne Ayers Koch and Thad Binkley. See you there, Julaina […]

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