2016 San Francisco Writers Conference Begins February 10

 The annual San Francisco Writer’s Conference open-to-the public free events are listed below: These great events will be at the Mark Hopkins Hotel during the San Francisco Writers Conference and we invite you to come check them out. The SFWC Exhibit Hall in the lobby is also open to the public from 9 a.m. to […]

Content Is Key For Success In Writing

  Content well written and with passion is the key for success in writing. Successful content might be determined by the reasons you write. Why do you write? For money For fame For entertainment To inspire To spark curiosity To inform To heal Maybe you have other reasons, however, if your intentions are to have […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter Twelve Is Posted

Hada’s Fog, Chapter Twelve, Scene One is posted, see menu above. Lev meets Laurence Gottfried Esq. who, in Joseph Campbell’s The Hero’s Journey, is the ally/helper in Hada’s story. Since Gottfried is a retired attorney, we learn why he is determined to help Abe.           FYI  On this site I had […]

How Would You Rate Windows 10?

What is Windows? The first version of Windows came out 30 years ago. Windows 1.0 was released on November 20, 1985.   Windows is considered “the world’s most used operating system with a market share still in excess of 90%.” The reviews on the Internet for Windows 10  are positive. For example http://www.trustedreviews.com/windows-10-review stated, “There’s […]

Antagonist Based On Real Person Causes Problem

Is your antagonist based on a real person?  The one in my WIP is someone I know but I don’t see very often. It’s been years since we’ve had to be in the same place at the same time for a few days. The problem is that he’s changed. He’s older, nicer, and more responsible. […]

Add a Baby in Your Story As a Metaphor

Have you observed a baby lately? Tonight I spent the evening with relatives from New Jersey including a three-month-old and a newborn.  The differences in their abilities made me appreciate the amazing growth process. I plan to write a YA novel with a baby in it. My observations of the two babies this evening gave […]

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