Hada’s Fog Chapter Thirteen, Scene One Is Posted

Hada’s Fog Chapter Thirteen, Scene One is Posted (see menu above).       Hada’s restless sleep brings up memories not only of the Thanksgiving Dinner at Samuel’s house, but from the past when she and Lev met. Her present worry about the status of their marriage  prompts the recall of earlier times together when […]

Working With People I Admire

The San Francisco Writers Conference has Richard and Barbara Santos industriously working behind the scenes before, during, and after the conference. They’ve helped  the directors and co-founders, Michael Larsen and Elizabeth Pomada, since the early days when the conference was held in Hawaii. My job is Registration Manager and when I have a problem, I […]

Collaborative Stories Posted For Comparison

In my anthology, Written Across the Genres, there are two collaborative stories. Each one starts with the same first paragraph or two but then they separate into very different adventures.  Members of my morning creative writing class each wrote 100 words to continue Dock Story One. Members of my afternoon class did the same and […]

Friends Reconnect At the San Francisco Writers Conference

Photo credit to Cali Gilbert, on the far right, whom I met a few years ago at the SFWC. Read below how a coat connected us.     In the conference volunteer room where we sign in each day, we have a coat rack. At the end of the conference the  year I met Cali, […]

San Francisco Writers Conference Starts Tomorrow

The San Francisco Writers Conference starts tomorrow, February 11th to 15th. Four days of live sessions and networking with the people who can advance a writing career. Registration for the four days is filled, however, check the following events: OPEN ENROLLMENT CLASSES on Thursday, Feb. 11th and Monday, Feb. 15.  Choose from content-rich sessions taught by […]

WNBA Will Exhibit At The San Francisco Writers Conference This Weekend

This Weekend, Women’s National Book Association, WNBA S F Chapter, will have an exhibitor table at the Mark Hopkins Hotel, lower level. Their event for Friday night is called  INSPIRING VOICES OF HOPE: The Afghan Women’s Writing Project, #Free California Room, Mark Hopkins Hotel, SF. Friday, Feb. 12, 8:30-9:30pm. The Women’s National Book Association is […]

Course and Book Need Title

  One of my projects  for D’vorah Lansky’s thirty-day course creation challenge, is to write a simple fiction writing book for beginners that would serve as a manual for the course or a stand alone reference book.  Today’s assignment is to title it. In my experience, it takes time to get a title right.  I’m […]

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