Expect Miracles Today and Every Day

Happy Sunday, I hope you are having a miraculous time. If not, create it.             One miracle today involved my husband and I working together to clean clutter from a kitchen cabinet and he went on to super clean the refrigerator. Another miracle, I found two important lost items in […]

Images of Cities Before and After Sea Level Rises

Click here if you want to see what some cities will look like after sea level rises. The information is from a new study published in the July issue of Science. Here’s one example: Washington Monument, Washington D.C.  Before           After

Joe Dispenza On How To Create Your Day

Those of you who saw the movie What the Bleep will understand why I love this video from Joe Dispenza. Let me know in the comment section if you know about Dispenza and if you create your day. Perfect practice for writers too. On my other blog, I have a short video by Norman Doidge […]

Hada’s Fog Chapter 25 Is Posted Today

        Hada’s Fog Chapter 25 is posted today.       Hada’s love deepens and her loyalty shifts away from Samuel to someone else. The fog in her perception clears. Will it last or will doubt make her take a step backwards?

Contagious, Why Things Catch On Book Recommendation

Lani Longshore shared her copy of Contagious, Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger with me today. She had put orange-tabs on pages that might interest me (the orange tabs match the cover color).  Click here On the back cover, Discover stated, “The practical companion to Malcolm Gladwell’s The Tipping Point.” The book is about […]

Multiple Projects Can Get Out Of Hand

I’m a Type A personality, always busy, never bored.  A writing friend calls me Nutzoid when I take on another project. She’s right.  A cliche says “proof is in the pudding”, for me “proof is in the projects on my plate right now”  (yes, another cliche and one in the title).  Sometimes it’s fun to […]

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