How to Make Building Your Own Website Fun

Registration is now open for the Website Creation Workshop Fall 2016 Program with Christina Hills. Christina is a master at teaching entrepreneurs like yourself how to build a website with WordPress. Don’t believe me? Go here to see her own beaitiful website and get all the details about her program… On that page you’ll see […]

The Fast & Easy Way to Build Your Website

        Hi Everyone, One of the biggest mistakes I see business owners make on a DAILY basis is they put one of the most important tools for growing their business into someone else’s hands… Their website. And 9 times out of 10, the designer or webmaster you hire won’t really understand how […]

The Linguistic Genius of Babies

Interesting info about babies learning languages. On my other blog, check out Alison Gopnik’s TED Talk about What Babies Think. “Babies have more of a lantern of consciousness than a spotlight.” Click here.     Julaina Kleist-Corwin Editor of Written Across the Genres Author of Hada’s Fog

Agonizing Website Mistakes

        Hi Everyone, If you you don’t consider yourself a “techie” person, the very idea of having a website might feel like a big headache. Where do you begin? Do you try to figure out how to do it yourself? Do you hire someone else to do it for you? How do […]

Do You Want a Website or Blog?

My amazing friend, Christina Hills, has just released a new resource designed specifically to help you design your own website that works for you. It’s called the Do-It-Yourself Website Creation Checklist. In it you will discover exactly which pages you need to include if you want to attract your new clients. And Christina also […]

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