Live Streaming Video About Hooks in Writing and Speaking

Daylight Savings Time caught me in a missed opportunity.  Tamara Monosoff and members of the 7 Day  Live Streaming Video challenge  were to meet up on Zoom at 9 in Sunday morning. Several of us forgot to change our clocks  so we were an hour late and missed it. We drowned our sorrow by getting […]

Video on How to Speak so People Want to Listen

For my theme of communication during the 7 day video challenge, I found this short (10 minutes) TED Talk by Julian Treasure. Click here. To me, the key is how to speak so people want to listen. To prepare for live streaming, I cleared some clutter behind my desk in the corner of my office. […]

Live Stream Challenge Video On International Women’s Day

Day 3 of the live stream challenge didn’t result in a creation from me. However, I watched fellow streamers’ videos and thought I’d share Linda Kroll’s. Click here. What I liked about her information was when she said, “Wherever we set our intentions and then put attention towards it, that’s when miracles happen.”   She […]

Seven Day Challenge to Live Stream

No Live Stream again today but  here’s a quote to help me feel like at least I’m doing half of my challenge. The idea is to do live stream with a call to action back to my blog or any of my sites. My theme for the 7 posts is communication. To do live streams […]

New 7 Day Challenge Goes Awry

I’ve joined a 7 day challenge.  It is supposed to be a live stream with a call to action that leads here where I will  post a quote or a tip a day. The hours slipped away with no live stream, but here’s a quote. See you tomorrow.   (Did you have a plan that […]

Book, Book, and Blog Updates

I’ve been busy preparing  my new book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans, for publication, which didn’t leave much time for posting. The cover is done, thanks to Michelle Rene Goodhew at I worked on a short glossary of terms today and added a new essay by P. C. Chinick, author of the Red […]

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