Citizenship Is One of the Topics In Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans

    In my new book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans, Reme Pick tells about her frustrating experience trying to obtain a Filipino passport so she could join her American husband in the United States. Her birth certificate and other identifying paperwork burned during the war with Japan. Pick’s use of dialogue exemplifies her […]

Dangerous Deer Topic in Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans

George Cramer’s “Why I Hate D.E.E.R.” is published in my new book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans. Cramer tells about riding a motorcycle and watching out for: D – Dangerous E – Evil E – Everywhere R – Rodent which equal DEER. He uses  danger to engage interest.  The possibility of crashing into deer […]

Lake Biwa Wishes Book Recommendation

    A recently published book called Lake Biwa Wishes written by Judy Lussie captured my attention and appreciation. Lussie created strong characters, interesting pacing and structure, and  well-crafted sentences. It opens in Japan with Toni, a married woman, who goes on a ski trip with her new Japanese friends. She meets Kenji, the ski […]

Reading From One of My Stories At The Las Positas Anthology Launch

  Saturday afternoon Las Positas launched their 2017 anthology called, Beyond the Window.         Two of my stories are published in it. A fiction piece called, “The House Lived” and a memoir essay called “Dancing”.  I enjoyed reading an excerpt from my story in addition to reading two of Eloise Hamann’s poems  […]

Carole MacLean from Fuzzy Red Socks Retreats Has An Essay in New Book

Carole MacLean’s essay, “A New Season”,  is in my book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans that will launch on May 31st. She uses football as a framework for her story about her parents. She begins with the Super Bowl and ends with a reference to coaches. Loyalty on many levels flows throughout the essay […]

How to Create an Emotional Bond with Audiences and Readers

Gary Lea’s essay called “Too Small” is published in Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans, which will be launched May 31st as an eBook and later a print book. His story is about grief, resistance, and emotional growth.  Lea created scenes  and bookended the essay with sensory details. It’s a good example of how to […]

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