7 Writing Tips Are on Video Each Day

The 7-Day Blog Post Challenge with short videos (3-4 minutes) is on Day #6, but all the daily ideas are in the archives on the right side-bar of my website click here. Tonight’s post will be a tip on philosophical disagreement, scene, and dialogue featuring Anne Ayers Koch and Thad Binkley. See you there, Julaina […]

5 Surprising Ways To Make Money With Your Book

If you’ve written a book… or you’re in the process of writing one… or you’re planning to write one this year, stop whatever you’re doing and sign up for this live webinar right now. “Authors: 5 Surprising Ways to Radically Boost Your Income with Your Book!” Click here. This free, 60-minute live webinar by my […]

Celebration With Tea

Have you been to a tea house? My friend, Linda, suggested four of us celebrate our birthdays at a tea house in Pleasanton. My birthday was New Years Day, Marilyn’s was a couple days later, Haihong’s and Linda’s were in November and December. We had had my writing class meeting at an office a few […]

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