I’m celebrating a big decision I made today.

I’ve been preparing two on-line courses: one on how to craft a good story for presentations. A Beta version opportunity is coming up for ten people who want to join at a reduced cost (secret: under $100). Let me know if you want to be one of the ten.

The other on-line courseĀ  I’ll be mapping out at Alina Vincent’s live event in Reno next month. It’s about using Feng Shui for your business.

I’ve worked on a book these last couple months with a great coach named Storms (I love that name) on the subject of Storytelling for Entrepreneurs. After I toiled over the first chapter, I asked myself if I really wanted to spend the next few months working to get it done and I answered, NO. I’ve published a book like that already and I’ll have the course about it ready in a couple weeks. So why do I need to write another book on that subject?

The new book will be about Feng Shui instead so I’ll have a book for that course. I am so relieved that I have a new direction now. Storms said it was up to me, he’d support my decision. So onward we move.

What are you celebrating? Have you let go of a project lately when you knew it wasn’t a match for you at this time? It is so freeing!


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Story Consultant

Feng Shui Facilitator

Posts created 690

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