Success Week Series of Posts

On my other blog, I am posting a series for Success Week and about Donna Kozic’s Success Community Book Project. Here is a link to read daily short posts about success.

Day Two of Success Week

    When Donna Kozic started the success community book project, I immediately knew what to write about for a 200 maximum word-count essay. Choices! To me, success is the outcome of choices, whether big ones or small, right ones or not so right ones, they all immediately or eventually lead to success. The biggest […]

Define Success This Week For Fun

Donna Kozic of My Big Business Card took the authors in this book on an adventure from the first step for organizing the book  to the ones leading to launch day which will be this Thursday. She called for submissions to a community book project with success as the theme. I entered my essay called […]

GDPR Compliance by May 25th

The General Data Protection Regulation that will be due by May 25th is about collecting data from people in Europe that includes their email. Entrepreneurs need to make changes in their business. Noncompliance results in huge fines. Click here for Amy Porterfield’s conversation with Bobby Klinck to learn about it.

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