Donna Kozic of My Big Business Card took the authors in this book on an adventure from the first step for organizing the book to the ones leading to launch day which will be this Thursday.
- She called for submissions to a community book project with success as the theme. I entered my essay called “Chosen Changes.”
- She edited them in a large group webinar meeting so we could see what she looks for, what she deletes, and what needs to be added when she edits. I didn’t have any changes to do, hurrah. There are 70 essays at 200 word count each.
- She didn’t ask for a fee to enter the project, but if we wanted the promo package, we could pay the designer. I opted in for it and here is one of the graphics she had him do for all of us (with the different contributor’s photos, of course).
- Then she designated success week around our launch day. We can promote the book and our essay in it with a variety of graphics and themes for the week.
- Donna would like everyone to wait until Thursday, May 10th, launch day, to purchase the book so we can reach Amazon #1 best seller.
Let me know what you think of this promo style as the week goes on. I’ll consider following her example with my Choices Anthology.
Theme today is how do you define success?
I’d love to hear your answer.
Julaina Kleist-Corwin
Written Across the Genres
Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans