Energize Your Business With Feng Shui 5-Day Challenge In January

This quote applies to our business space as well. Whether we work at home or in an office, renewing the environment with simple activations complement our purpose.

In mid-January, I will be doing a five-day challenge about Feng Shui in Business. Intentions, goals, visions, dreams, ambition, are what we think about in the beginning of a year. By using specific objects in certain areas of your business space, the energy can change to bring in more success. Each of the five days I will focus on different “guas” such as Career, Wealth, Relationship, Health, and more.

What qua is the most important for you to energize right now?

Julaina Kleist-Corwin
Written Across the Genres
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4 thoughts on “Energize Your Business With Feng Shui 5-Day Challenge In January

  1. I’m taking time to pretend I’m a college student home from college and indulging by cleaning out my office, organizing pictures, etc. while binge watching Stranger Things and Black Mirror.
    Loving it, especially when the house is Christmas clean and bright.

  2. Health and relationships seem like the foundation to a prosperous and happy life. Without them, it’s difficult to have a successful career in order to earn the wealth. Looking forward to learning about feng shui in January.

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