Veteran Story in Written Across the Genres on KDP Special Discount

Written Across the Genres


My eBook,Written Across the Genres, is on sale today and tomorrow for $1.99 on Amazon. Click here.

One of the stories in the Memoir Category is titled “Round Eye in a World of Hurt” by Cathleen Cordova. She served in Vietnam during the war and explains, “The GIs called Vietnam the “world of hurt,” home was “back in the world,” and all American Women were known as “round eyes.”


Thank you, Cathleen, for your service and thank you to all veterans. I’m happy we have a day to honor you.



Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans

Written Across the Genres will be helpful for my 7-Day Challenge to Write in Different Genres. Details at

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