Happy Halloween!

  It’s 6:00 p.m. and the doorbell will start ringing with trick or treaters, but I wanted to send you a holiday greeting.

Albert Einstein Quote

        I posted this quote in my Facebook Group Create Loyal Fans for Your Brand. Click here. The group is for entrepreneurs, writers, and speakers. I have room for more members if you’d like to join. For those of you who are not in my FB Group, here is the quote: “Everything […]

Facebook Group Link

          I haven’t posted here lately. I’ve been building a Facebook Group for entrepreneurs, writers, and speakers, which you are invited to join if it’s a match for you. https://www.facebook.com/groups/clfyb/ Each day has a theme: Sunday is quote day Monday is goal setting day Tuesday is tip day Wednesday is promo […]

Blade Runner 2049

  Happy Sunday Everyone, In an hour we are going to see Blade Runner 2049 in 3D. The original Blade Runner is on my top 5 favorite movies list. I hope this new one won’t disappoint. Have you seen it yet?       Julaina Kleist-Corwin Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans Written Across the […]

Book Recommendation Ardent Spirit by J. K. Royce

Julie Royce gave a copy of her book, Ardent Spirit, to a mutual friend. About a month later, I gave the same friend a copy of my book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans. The friend is on staff where I teach my writing classes. She was happy Julie and I shared our books with […]

Would you like a better relationship?

  Hi Everyone, How would it feel to resolve conflict in your relationship with ease and joy? Is your relationship what you’ve always desired? Or are you at a bit of a crossroads? My friend, Linda Kroll – author of the award-winning book Compassionate Mediation®: How to Add Passion to Your Marriage or Compassion to […]

What Are You Reading?

  I plan Sunday mornings for hours of reading. Then about noon, we go to the farmers’ market to shop organic and Starbucks to read some more.   Today, I balanced my time between When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi and Marilyn Steele’s The Wild Feminine.       A member of our reading  […]

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