Video Marketing Rules–How to Win in a World Gone Video

Lou Bortone has a new book available called Video Marketing Rules — How to Win in a World Gone Video. Click here.

Amazon’s description of the book states, “Video has become the way we share, the way we communicate, the way we connect, and the way we buy and sell. Video has also become the way we search (YouTube is the second most popular search engine), the way we “surf,” and the way we make buying decisions. 65% of consumers will visit a brand’s website and make a purchase decision after watching a video.”

Bortone’s book gives information on how to succeed with video marketing.


I like the dedication: “This book is dedicated to anyone and everyone who is courageous enough to share their knowledge and spread their message on video, especially those of us who don’t like being on camera. This book is also dedicated to all the introverts, underdogs and camera shy entrepreneurs who feel the fear and do it anyway. You rule.”

Bortone spent over 20 years as a marketing executive in the television and entertainment industries, including stints as National Promotion Manager for E! Entertainment Television and Senior Vice President of Marketing for Fox Family Worldwide in Los Angeles. Bortone is a popular speaker, author, and ghostwriter of six business books.

To order Video Marketing Rules–How to Win in a World Gone Video, click here.

Do you like to produce videos?


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans

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2 thoughts on “Video Marketing Rules–How to Win in a World Gone Video

    1. Kim, I’m glad you liked this book recommendation. I can see you doing videos! I remember the first time I met you and the hat you wore. I thought you had stepped out of a movie. 🙂 BTW, Congrats on having a baby! 🙂

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