Check Out My New Supportive Facebook Group




The 5-Day Challenge to “Get A Project Done” is complete. Several participants had successes and we had a winner for the $25 Amazon gift certificate drawing, (drum roll) Linda Todd!

I participated  in my challenge too with a goal to produce a Facebook supportive group. It is up and running. Check it out. Click here. It’s free to join. Each day has a theme:

  • Monday: Goal setting
  • Tuesday: Tips
  • Wednesday: Promos
  • Thursday: Q & A
  • Friday: Feature
  • Saturday: Celebration
  • Sunday: Quotes

There is no need to participate every day. Choose which day you want to see what’s happening or only come on Wednesdays to promote your book, your program, your event, etc.  Tell a friend about it too.

Create Loyal Fans for Your Brand.


See you there,

Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans

Written Across the Genres


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