William Faulkner Quote About Competing With Yourself

      Nobel laureate William Faulkner believed it was impossible for an author to write a perfect story. He admitted he never was satisfied with his work. It always could be better. In a 1956 interview with Faulkner in The Paris Review, he  said about being a novelist: “Ninety-nine percent talent … ninety-nine percent discipline … […]

Join Paula Chinick As She Looks For A Job

Paula Chinick wrote a life experience for my recent book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans. She titled it “Best of Times.” It’s about the loss of her job and looking for a new one. Chinick used scenes and showed body language to reveal emotion. “I recall an ache in my stomach as if a […]

Plot Arc Is Important For Personal Stories

    When you are crafting a life experience that you will include in a talk you’re giving or if you are writing a short story about something that happened to you, do you use the plot arc? Our aim is to build an upward slope from the beginning, peak it at the climax, and […]

The Wizard of Oz and The Hero’s Journey

  In The Wizard of Us by Jean Houston, she analyzes The Wizard of Oz with the Hero’s Journey. Through a mythic lens, we discover the archetypes of mind, heart, and courage represented by the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion. We meet the gatekeepers in the story and the wizard within us. Amazon’s description of […]

Vision Quote By Alina Vincent

Alina Vincent at Business Success Edge says,   “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”     What is your vision?   Julaina Kleist-Corwin #1 Amazon Bestselling Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans Written Across the Genres  

Quote By Jean Houston About Stories

Jean Houston says: “Stories are living and dynamic. Stories exist to be exchanged. They are the currency of Human Growth.”   I just finished an inspiring online course Jean Houston offered. Amazing growth and lifetime access to reviewing the course is what I look for in a beneficial program taught by an admirable mentor. I’m […]

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