2 thoughts on “Do You Agree With This Quote From Terry Pratchett?

  1. Both are true with different defintions of shape. Shape is an odd verb for someone who writes a story, but in the sense that one uses imagination it can work. The more common view of the meaning of the verb shape favors Terry pratchett’s claim. People tune in better to anecdotes better than statistics despite its irrationality.. People are generous when a paper runs a story about someone whose luck has turned foul, but won’t vote for a tax increase to help such people when they are nameless and faceless.
    Standard advice for getting people to bond with a political group is to share stories. Fairy tales were shaped to shape children into obedience. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)

  2. Thanks for your comment, Eloise. Do you think people don’t vote for a tax increase that would help the “nameless and faceless” people because they don’t trust where their taxes are really going? A bank link from a newspaper story is more direct and trustworthy to go to the right person. But I agree, the emotion of a single person’s story makes a big difference in generosity and willingness to donate. That’s my point is story creates an emotional bond. The tax man isn’t a story teller. 🙂

    In thinking about the word shape, as writers we shape a story like an artist shapes a figure in clay for instance. Words and clay are just different mediums. Story shapes people’s reactions and even their lives. To me shape wasn’t an odd word to use, it made me think deeper.

    Thanks for commenting, I like to hear other people’s take on what I post and I’m always open to debate.

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