A Rare Secret About Chronic Pain Relief

You’re not alone if you suffer with chronic pain. Over 100 million of people in the United States alone are dealing with chronic pain. My colleague, Barbara J. Semple says that for many chronic pain sufferers, going to the doctor makes the struggle more challenging. And, it doesn’t have to be a struggle and challenge. […]

Quote About Forever Is From Alice In Wonderland

    Do you agree with the White Rabbit? “Alice: How long is forever? White Rabbit: Sometimes just one second.”         What is your experience with forever in one second?     Julaina Kleist-Corwin Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans Written Across the Genres

A Small Quote With A Big Message

          This quote may look small, but it’s message is huge. I wish it for all of you. Thank you for reading my posts.   Julaina Kleist-Corwin Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans Written Across the Genres  

5 Day Challenge To Get A Project Done

If you had a free opportunity to get a project done by joining a 5 Day Challenge, what problems would you want solved during that time? Usually when you’re stuck with moving forward on a project, it’s due to procrastination, lack of time, or maybe your muse went on vacation and your creativity is blocked. […]

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