Michael Larsen, Agent Extraordinaire, Believes Words Are Powerful

Writers…Celebrate the 4th of July!
This is Mike Larsen’s annual note to remind writers that their words are powerful. Want to  join Mike for the CHANGE event? There is a link to register at the end!

Celebrating the 4th:

Writing to Make a Difference

   “One useless man is called a disgrace, two are called a law firm, and three or more are a Congress.” – John Adams in the musical 1776

Despite its problems, the United States remains the world’s best hope for a just, thriving, sustainable future. Writers can play a vital role in envisioning our future and how to achieve it. Seeing even the Hollywood version of the writing of the Declaration of Independence will help you appreciate the anger and oppression that led to it, its vision of America, and our role in keeping its ideals alive.

This is the subject of the funny, timeless, wonderful musical 1776 that Elizabeth and I watch on Turner Classic Movies on the Fourth. The film shows how divided and ineffective Congress was, the huge odds against winning the war, and how one vote and a tragic compromise on slavery made the difference.

But a revolution won is a revolution lost when people think the struggle is done and devote themselves to the benefits of victory. A successful revolution can never stop working to keep its ideals alive, especially at a time of political impasse, accelerating change, and the growing urgency of the huge challenges the human family faces.

America can only thrive if we the people hold fast to the vision of the Declaration  by striving to fulfill its dream. As Benjamin Franklin warned: “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.” Or as poet W. H. Auden echoed his words: “We must love one another or die.”

The planet is struggling to sustain a global family with a global economy. At the same time, it’s easier than ever for the right book or idea to change the world. As a writer, you are part of the luckiest, most powerful generation of writers that ever lived.

You have the ability, opportunity, and responsibility not just to make a living but to make a difference. Your vision, your passion, and your creativity for advocating solutions will make a difference. No matter what you write, or where you are in your life or career, heed Anne Frank’s advice: “It’s never too late to start doing the right thing.”

May the colonists’ unique achievement inspire the revolutionary fervor for helping to write our way toward a new vision for the human family.

Can your writing change the world?
This is an event where writers can learn, be inspired, and meet the people who can help them in their writing career.

Want to change the world?

You won’t want to miss this one-day event.


Saturday, SEPTEMBER 9th, 2017

NOTE: The early registration rate of $99 will only be available until midnight TONIGHT!


 CLICK HERE to register at the $99 rate before July 1st!


Overview of the SFW4C:
Stephen Dinan, bestselling author, CEO of The Shift Network, and a member of the prestigious Transformational Leadership Council and the Evolutionary Leaders group will be a keynoter at this event.

The 2017 San Francisco Writing for Change conference will take place on Saturday, September 9, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Center (Geary at Franklin).  There will be an inspiring faculty of authors, agents, editors and book promotion experts.

It is limited to no more than 100 attendees.

If your novel, nonfiction, or children’s story has the potential to inspire change from the personal to the planetary, this event is for you. The jam-packed day includes panels on writing, publishing options, promotion, a pitch session, one free editorial and publicity consult, a lunch buffet, refreshments, being part of a warm, spontaneous community of writers, free follow-up phone calls to co-director Mike Larsen, and an optional sunrise, no-host breakfast Pitchathon and no-host Chinese banquet at the end of day.

   The San Francisco Writing for Change conference website has more information about the event and you can register at the early rate ($99 until July 1): www.WritingforChange.org

Register Here at the $99 rate until July 1!
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.
Benjamin Franklin


The 2018 San Francisco Writers Conference is also open for registration.

Join us  February 15-18 at the Mark Hopkins Hotel.

Go to www.SFWriters.org for details.

SFWC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization

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