How To Pull Off A Fitness Hijack





Have you ever tried to influence someone to go to the gym, to exercise, or to live a healthier lifestyle? In Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans, Linda Todd shares her essay about convincing her husband to sign up with a personal trainer.

Of course, he balked at the idea. Basic training forty years ago was enough for him, but Todd persisted.

She wrote her essay in scenes that showed how she managed the fitness hijack. Her conversations with her husband are written without head hopping, which means she stayed in ONE person’s point of view to avoid any confusion about who was talking.  Todd’s observation of her husband’s body language indicated a shift in thinking and hints that maybe he would go to the appointment, but would he be committed to follow-through?

Spouses often worry about consequences from lack of caring for oneself and identify with this health problem. Speakers perhaps have their own experience or know of someone’s reticence to be proactive in pursuing an improved life style. Audiences bond with a person telling a relatable story. Engagement and connection are keys to increasing positive results from a live event.

Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans will launch this Wednesday, June 28th at a discounted price. 

See you at Amazon,

Julaina Kleist-Corwin

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