A Tree Branch Metaphor Is Used In An Essay About Health Problems




“The Branch of Life” is the title of Judy Lussie’s essay in Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans available in print form on June 28th.

Lussie used a tree branch as a metaphor for hanging on during the health problems that suddenly appeared in 2002 during her successful career as the department head of Technical Information at the Lawrence Livermore Lab in California. She was responsible for over 200 employees including 20  managers and supervisors.

She bookended the life experience with the tree branch metaphor, which means she started the essay with it and ended the essay with the symbolic branch. Her use of dialogue helped to increase an emotional impact in the story.

To find out more about her mysterious health issue, you can read the essay in Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans by ordering the print book on June 28th.

Speakers learn how to use metaphor in telling snippets of their life experience and how to share a personal health problem if it relates to a presentation topic.

When you are on Amazon, you can check out Lussie’s recently published  novel, Lake Biwa Wishes. The story is about Toni Chang Morgan’s dream of living in an exotic foreign country. The wish came true when she accompanied her husband on a scientific exchange to Japan. An internal conflict developed as she succumbed to a ski instructor’s charms. You can order the book direct from Amazon if you click here.








On Wednesday, remember the print version of Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans is available for a discounted price during the launch. Summer is a good time to relax and read.




Julaina Kleist-Corwin

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