Traditional Moon Story From China Inspires A Magical Playtime

Mesmerized by the campfire on a Labor Day weekend trip, Haihong Liao remembers playing with the moon when she was eight years old. The traditional story she heard at a Moon Festival in China inspired her young imaginative mind to see the tale’s palace, tree, and bunny in the moon. She invited the moon to catch her as she ran along a path and it appeared that the moon followed her. When she stopped, it did too.

Her husband interrupted the memory. They laughed about the legend, and she hoped her children would be able to see the moon magic that she no longer could.

Liao switched from present to past and back to present with storytelling skill.

Speakers can interject a childhood story if an element in it relates to the topic of their talk. Preparation for the snippet would include awareness of moving between the tenses.

If you want to know more details of the legend, Haihong Liao’s essay is published in Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans. June 28th is the launch date to order the print book on Amazon.


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Written Across the Genres

Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans

Hada’s Fog (to be released the end of 2017)

Posts created 283

2 thoughts on “Traditional Moon Story From China Inspires A Magical Playtime

  1. Thanks, Julaina, for these posts. I’m enjoying the book and the added instruction in your posts. I’m proud to be a contributor to your awesome project.

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