Moving From City Life in America to Country Living in Germany Is Told In A Memorable Essay



Sonia Geasa’s essay, “The House in Germany” is published in Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans.

The contrast between  American city life and country living in Germany created an adjustment challenge for Geasa. Her husband was transferred to the Air Force Base after the war in a community with rental shortages. His boss recommended them to a landlord in Spangdahlem where they moved in with close-up views of cows, oxen, and steaming manure piles in their front yard.

Geasa describes her interactions with the German people while learning to understand the feelings of the “the hard-working and war-weary natives in our host country.” Find out how she won the hearts of the local families and how she felt about the 3 pigs living below the upper level of their home.

Read her memorable life experience in Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans when the print edition launches on June 28th.

Speakers can create an emotion bond with audiences by using the elements of good storytelling as Sonia Geasa did. They can consider a personal experience about moving to a new environment if it fits into their presentation topic.

Enjoy twenty essays and the tips explained in each one when the book is available at a discounted price on June 28th.


Julaina Kleist-Corwin



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