Caregiver Conflict Is A Hot Topic in Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans





Camille DeFer Thompson’s essay, “Good Daughter” in Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans, addresses mixed emotions involved in care for her elderly mother.

Her growth arc began with awkward visits at the assisted-living facility where her mother resided. Each time the disinfectant inadequately masked the smell of urine, she witnessed the side effects of medication, felt ashamed of her agility among the residents in wheelchairs, and other reasons created a desire to leave as soon as possible. Camille’s emotions and use of the five senses makes her life experience real and identifiable to many people who have elderly loved ones.

She wanted to be a good daughter which revealed her inner struggle. The conflict within her opened up a possibility for a different perspective, an opportunity to change. Camille’s resolution at the end makes a memorable story that creates an emotional bond.

Elderly care is a hot topic, easily integrated into speaking if it demonstrates a point in the presentation.

“Good Daughter” is one of twenty life experiences in Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans that illustrates elements of good storytelling for writing stories and for speakers to compose for their  presentations.

Wednesday, June 28th is the launch date for the print version of this valuable how-to book.

If you prefer to hold a book in your hands instead of reading online, order your print copy on June 28th. I’ve discounted the price for the launch and if you purchase on June 28th, you’ll help me in my  ranking toward #1 Amazon bestseller.

Thank you for your interest and your support,

Julaina Kleist-Corwin


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