Tips to Reach Amazon #1 Bestseller Rank


One of the important keys to reach #1 Amazon bestselling status for non-fiction eBooks is picking the right categories for listing your book. The fewer books in a category, the better chance of reaching #1. And, of course, promoting the book’s launch with an offer for free on that day only is important.

  • Promotion involves emails and/or posts several days before the launch (and the day immediately before) to all your social media links and everyone you know if you don’t have a client list yet. Announce that the eBook will be free for only one day, the launch day. Those people who order it get a free book while helping you to reach #1. It’s a win-win.
  • Be sure to research categories on Amazon Kindle to determine what categories other authors used for books similar to your topic. Pick at least 2 or 3 to categorize your book. On the day of the launch, keep checking your book’s ranking all day and take a screen shot when it shows #1 so you have proof.

Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans reached #1 at 6:30 a.m. in one category and continued to be #1 for three days. In the second category, it became #1 later in the afternoon and stayed at that level for two days.

Fiction books are in broader categories, making higher ranking more difficult. My advice to you is to write a non-fiction book so you can become a #1 Amazon bestseller, which will add expertise to your branding and interest in your fiction.

I prefer to write fiction, but I enjoy being a #1 Amazon bestseller. To continue visibility, I will write more non-fiction books as well as publishing the two novels I’m polishing: Hada’s Fog and Norman in the Painting. I just need more hours in the day.

Thanks to Stacey Gustafson and Tamara Monosoff for their advice and encouragement to be a #1 Amazon Bestseller.

If you have questions, write them in the comments. I usually answer in a day or two.


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans

Written Across the Genres

Hada’s Fog (to be released by the end of 2017)


Posts created 283

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