Author Chat: Jenna Barwin – via 5 PHOTOS on Mundus Media Ink

Michelle Rene Goodhew of Mundus Media Ink

Michelle Rene Goodhew at Mundus Media Ink posted an author chat with Jenna Barwin. Click here.

I liked how the five photos emphasized the chat responses, for instance, the prompt:   “Something that represents something unique about you.”

Barwin’s answer, “I shoot underwater photography. Recently, I considered whether there was a link between the sea creatures I photograph, and my fiction writing.”

She explains, “. . . this lionfish elegantly floats through the water, and is quite lovely to watch, but its spines contain a nasty neurotoxin.” She writes about vampires. Here is her recent book.

When asked who is her favorite villian not from her own work, Barwin answered, “Dr. Horrible from Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog. Joss Whedon did a fantastic job directing this short video story, which exemplifies a saying we writers often hear: the villain is the hero of his or her own story.”

I appreciated being reminded about the villain being the hero of his or her own story. As writers we owe the villain that consideration.

I also want to recommend Michelle Rene Goodhew’s artistic talents.  She designed the cover of my  new book, Captivate Audiences to Create Loyal Fans and my Facebook banners, promo teasers, etc. FYI, the book hasn’t launched yet but will in a few days.

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3 thoughts on “Author Chat: Jenna Barwin – via 5 PHOTOS on Mundus Media Ink

  1. I just picked up Jenna’s book “Dark Wine at Midnight”! The chat with Jenna was inspiring, I’m happy it resonated with you too. Thank you for the mention Julaina, I have had fun working with you and look forward to more 🙂

    1. Michelle, your design skills are truly unique and your intuition about what I would like is always spot on. I’m happy we are working together.

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