Get-It-Done Mastermind Group by Tamara Monosoff

Tamara Monosoff’s new mastermind starts in three days!  One opening left. She won’t be offering it again for a while. Here is her invitation.

The Get-it-Done Mastermind Group starts this Wednesday, April 19th.
I can’t wait!

There is still ONE SPOT LEFT. The first person to sign up, gets the spot.

If you are one of the extraordinary Authors, Experts and Coaches that have already signed up, you have taken the first step to achieving your income goals with your business.

Here’s YOUR Action Assignment for Wednesday’s first meeting:
If you’re in the program, I’d like you to think about the amount of money you would like to make with your business. Don’t be shy. Be honest. This is the first step in making your income a reality. No more spinning wheels, vague intentions, roadblocks… We are going to put a stake in the ground and FOCUS on what you want to create and earn and then… we are going to GET IT DONE!

If you haven’t signed up yet, ask yourself this…

> Are you tired of walking in endless circles not knowing the right actions to take to market your books, products, programs and services and generate the income you desire? You know, the income that would allow you to take a deep breath and smile knowing that all is well.

> Have you completed (or attempted to complete) yet another online course or left an event full of inspiration only to sit down in your home office and say, “What do I do now?”

> Do you have knowledge but have not been able to translate that into an actual system with a support group that works?

If this describes you… than the Get-it-Done Mastermind Group is perfect for you.

We are going to get clear about what we will accomplish together in the next 12 months. Yes! A big picture plan with the steps and support you need to see it through to actual success.

What will you celebrate in our Mastermind group?

> the launch of your book
> the creation of your online course and how to package and sell it
> landing speaking gigs that lead to more visibility, credibility and income
> setting up a Membership site (recurring monthly income)
> designing events and getting your venue for free!
> getting featured in the Media Spotlight
> learning how to magnify your message on Social Media (Facebook Live, BeLive.TV, 22 Social…)
> understanding and setting up your sales funnels (the right way!)

If you’re thinking about ways to open new doors of possibility, in a safe and supportive environment, filled with relevant training, clear strategies, tools and accountability — then you’ve come to the right place.

We already have amazing, smart people signed up who may be that perfect partner or friend that you’ve been hoping to meet along your journey.

Our FOCUS will be on accomplishing YOUR GOALS, Collaborating, Networking and Celebrating!!!

It’s not too late to join us! Check out the details here.

There is only ONE SLOT LEFT!!!

I’m in, are you?


Julaina Kleist-Corwin

Written Across the Genres

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Hada’s Fog

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